RIVER OF BLESSING BIBLE COLLEGE LUSAKA, ZAMBIA - Chartered 2005 Dr. Angel Chisefu, Founder & President Doctor of Nouthetic Counseling (Shalom Bible College & Seminary) The first chartered school of divinity under the oversight of For His Glory Ministries & Bible College was River of Blessing Bible College in Lusaka, Zambia, which was founded by Dr. Angel Chisefu, its current president. Such joy we have experienced in this relationship since being presented with its charter by Dr. B. L. Rice from Shalom Ministry, Inc. on August 7, 2005. In the years that have followed, God's Word has spread throughout Zambia through RBBC, its graduates, and the dedicated teaching and mentorship of Dr. Chisefu. Located in cities throughout Zambia and in some neighboring nations, most of the students take their courses by way of external studies. The student body consists of pastors, church and community leaders, and even new Christians who desire to better understand God's Word and to become equipped for the work of the ministry. Classes are also held in their new classroom/admin facility outside of Lusaka several times a week for those living in the area . The heart of Dr. Chisefu is to teach the purity of God' s Word and to take it into the highways and byways. His background includes evangelism, church planting and pastoring. Therefore, with a pastor's heart he mentors his students and leads them on evangelistic outreach and church planting missions. The fruit of his labors will remain and reach into many nations for the furtherance of God's Kingdom. In 2018, Dr. Chisefu began a Mobile Bible Training School in the eastern province of Zambia with 49 new students committing to continue in their biblical studies at RBBC. For more information, contact: [email protected]. |
God has been at work through RBBC...
May the multiplication of God's Word and Kingdom work continue through Dr. Chisefu and RBBC!!! |
From the heart of Dr. Chisefu, RBBC President...
It is not just teaching in the classroom, but we want to see lives getting saved, transformed, being baptized in the Holy Ghost and sharing with others what God is doing in their lives.